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They Say Bush Is A Poor Speaker

And they're right. But for some truly tedious rhetoric, he can't touch Iraq's Maximum Leader.

Here's a sample quote from his speech on the anniversary of the coup (he refers to it as a revolution) that brought him into power...

"Rather, it is ascension, ascension and ascension, in which enthusiasm and potential which constitute, before any other step, the spring-board for other measures corresponding to renewed energy and enthusiasm, more sublime and pure in the service of the principles of our nation and people, thus ensuring continued ascension and increasing the accurateness and capability to relate the measures of action to the great principles.

The rest of the speech, and I suffered with slogging through it all looking for any useful info regarding the mindset of the man, and or how he will attempt to survive the coming campaign against him, is virtually void of any real semantic content.

The sad part...

... is that all throughout society, idiots like that make MORE MONEY THAN WE DO.

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