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Wednesday, 5. November 2003

TRF Pics 2003 - Weekend the Fyfth

Mortianna Doubtfire

The fifth weekend was a mixed bag. The weather was not rainy, but it was hot and muggy. While the Powers That Be thought that a 60K+ total weekend attendance was at least possible, the reality fell far short, with attendance being "only" 24,977 on Saturday, and a very disappointing 14,896 on Sunday, for a total of 39,873, per the Beefeaters. I think we're all going to have to resign ourselves to cruddy weekends when the Houston pro football team, the Texans, is playing at home.

Anyway, enough kvetching. It was Halloween weekend, so many of the costumes had that flavor, as evidenced by this pretty witch:

A closeup of the sexy witch.

For another view of her garb, click here.

Or these monster-looking dudes:

Dunno what exactly they were supposed to be, but they were scaring the heck out of the little kids

My buddy Scott was clanking around in his full armor, as usual. It's made to period specs, from real steel at the correct guages, so it's hot and a bit heavy, and he does rattle like a tank when he moves.

There is a good bit of detail etched into the armor, as you can see here.

Many members of the entertainment troupe at the faire seem to change roles almost every season, while others keep their personas for years. John has been everything from a barbarian to a goblin, and now a noble, fighting as a "light fighter," that is, with a rapier and light armor, as opposed to a fully armored heavy fighter, in the Art of Self-Defense Show. I caught this pic just after he had rolled up on his feet after "losing" a bout in one of the demonstrations. Hence the baleful look on his mug.

"And just who might you be gazing at, sirrah?"

New this season is a wall of arches around the Arena, where the Royal Joust and the Highland Games are contested. On top of the wall are a series of Roman statuary.

A bust of Caesar Augustus, I think

Maritabeth owns and runs one of the post popular and successful costume shops at this or any other faire, Pendragon Costumes.

Maritabeth and the boys from Sound and Fury

Maritabeth and the Furies

In this pic, she's being mauled by the men of Sound and Fury, one of TRF's premiere acts. They're a three man troupe that does what they call "Fakespeare," thirty or so minute side-splitting manic takeoffs on some of the Bard's most famous plays. They are one of the acts I always tout when patrons ask advice on what shows to see.

This year's acts include "Testacles and the Sack of Rome" and "Romeo and Juliet 2.0" Disclaimer: These shows aren't intended for kids. As I warn patrons, if their kids don't know where babies come from before the show, they will before it's over. :-)

I actually took this pic last year, (dedicated S&F fans will be able to tell immediately) but I never got around to putting it up, so, there it is.

After the parade at noon, the jousters and the Master of the Joust came trotting by the booth, and let me tell you, that big black Freisian has a purty gait - she was prancing down the lane...

The Master of the Joust on his Freisian.
About $30K worth of horsemeat

He was followed by the English jouster...

The English jouster

A colorfully caprisoned steed indeed

At Lord Randall's Chainmail Shop, in the afternoon they often get some of his chainmail girls to come out and dance, accompanied by several musicians. Most belly dance, but some of the girls just sorta do free-form whatever sorta stuff, like Stevie Nicks after one too many meads. :-)

In any case, they draw pretty big crowds of gawkers, as is evident here...

That little tiny dancing figure? PussyCat

a belly dancer at Lord Randall's chainmail shop

A closer look at another dancer

Finally, I promised Christina that I'd keep a sharp eye out for any more Barbarian BeefCake. Here you go, 'tina.

Still on my To-Do List, getting up the pics from GiggleFest. Toughest part about that is getting up the nerve. :-)

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Tuesday, 4. November 2003

More Pussycat Wench Pics

I ran across her again this weekend, and her garb had changed. In keeping with the season, she looked more autumnal, like a wood sprite.

There's something about her bone stucture that makes the camera love her. I don't know what it is.

The larger hi-res version of this pic is here.

The larger hi-res version of this pic is here.

She continues to be one of my favorite subjects this season. Her other pics are here.

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Friday, 31. October 2003

Heidi Ho & Jenny

New to the faire this season is the beer tasting. They've had a wine tasting for a few years now,and finally got around to doing a proper beer sampling.

Heidi Ho outside the Leek And Daffodil

I tried it out a a few weeks ago, and found it to be both a good value and fun. For only thirty bucks, which includes your ticket to the faire if you do not have one, which in itself can run as much as twenty bucks, you get not only an hour long sampling of six brews, a light plate of appetizers such as cheese, bread, olives, sliced fruit and such, but also the company of both Jenny O'Manion, the faire's official Welcome Wench, and the scrumdillyicious Heidi Ho.

Heidi Ho and Jenny O'Manion

Jenny and Heidi Halloween weekend

I couldn't decide between these two pics, so I gave up and posted them both. (shrug) Only major difference is that they've switched positions left to right.

Jenny O'Manion and Heidi Ho

Jenny & Heidi

These wenches run the beer tasting with a running patter of everything from detailed information about the beers being tasted, to ribald toasts and songs, along with a side dish of all the wenching you can stand. (If you don't know what wenching is, just ask them, and they'll be happy to demonstrate - just make sure your wife isn't the jealous type.)


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