a pic of my brain The Compleat Iconoclast
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Monday, 29. July 2002

Muh Haid Hertz

Folks, I gotta tell ya, this last week or so of essays has just about broke my brain. All of this heavy thinking about war, politics, sex, religion, the fate of mankind, yatta-yatta-yatta, is a lot of work.

The good news is that I'm feeling like I've pretty much got the bases covered - I've said what I had to say, and now I can just point people to it when the subject comes up.

So, for a few days at least, I think I'm going to stick to the lighter side of life, and just tell some funny stories. I've lived a bunch of them. There have been a lot of you coming here this week for the first time, judging from the logs, mostly from the links a few of the established high-traffic sites have been so kind to give me, so you may not have seen any of those types of entries yet. It's not all serious warbloogging around here. Try Wyrdgrl, if you haven't already.

See, those sorts of things write themselves about as fast as I can type, which isn't too fast at all, but still light-years faster than the other stuff - where I spend ten times as much effort researching the issues, reading news, and just plain pondering.

My brain needs the rest. :-)


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