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Wednesday, 17. July 2002

Texas Sized Gator

This gator was caught a few weeks ago at Kitty Hollow Park in Missouri City, TX. on Highway 6. (suburban SW Houston)

A construction worker found it laying in one of the concrete pipes. The animal control officers said it weighed just under 2100 lbs and was 18 1/2 feet long. It was taken to Brazos Bend State Park, and released.

a monster bull gator

I'm thinkin' a coupla things here. First, I'm not gonna be taking the wolfhounds, Shelby, or any kids to that park anytime soon. In fact, I don't think I'll be planning too many trips there my own damn self. Second, that monster woulda made quite a few pairs of good-looking cowboy boots.

Actually though, I'm happy. Gators had a rough go of it there for a while, and the sightings of ones like this just reaffirms how well they've come back. There are success stories in wildlife preservation, though you'd have a hard time getting some of the more radical tree-huggers to admit it.

The gator was lucky. If they'd have nabbed him in Louisiana, he'd a been the all-you-can-eat buffet at the nearest Cajun eatery. :-)


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