a pic of my brain The Compleat Iconoclast
...Vote For Your Favorite Wench...

A New Feature...

OK, I just can't keep up.

In the past, I've tried to take the pics I've shot at TRF, and organize them into illustrations for some sort of photoessay around a theme, like wenches, or flowers, or beefcake.

While this is certainly the best way to go about it, the problem is it takes too much damn time, especially since I'm so particular about getting the pics optimized for putting up for the world to see.

The end result is that most of the pics I take never even get on the web. I've not only got a hundred or so great pics from this last season queued up rarin' to go, I've got several hundred from previous seasons languishing on various hard drives. (sigh)

So, I'm introducing a new feature, the TRF Pic O' The Day. I'll put a permalink to it over there on the menu on the right - clicking on it will give you a list of them from latest to earliest.

I'm going to try, at least 3-5 times a week to put up a single pic (or maybe more), bereft of much more than a simple label, in an attempt to clear the backlog.

This way I'll have a fighting chance to get them all up by next fall.

I still want to write a few more, umm, expository posts about some of my more colorful friends at faire, such as the one about Heidi Ho & Jenny, or Rob when time allows, as well as continuing to relate some of the more unusual stories, but if I manage to get one a month of those out the pipeline, it'll be about twice the rate I've ever managed to crank out in the past.

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