a pic of my brain The Compleat Iconoclast
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Young Love, First Love

I was conversing with my friend Ceridwen a week or so ago, about a number of things. One of the major topics of discussion was her daughter, who, at age fourteen, is right on the cusp of morphing from girl to woman. The boys are beginning to notice her, and she is beginning to notice them noticing her. Ceri wonders how best to handle the situation. As the father of a daughter just a few years younger, it's a topic I ponder also, as one that I'll need to address soon.

There is a tension is our culture, based primarily, I think, on our dependence on technology. As the level of sophistication increases, so does the time required for the education (at least with our current piss-poor schooling) needed to make a person an economically indepedent citizen.

Studies in history and anthropology show that people, even is pre-industrial societies (the examples I recall were from colonial New England and the late Roman Republic) rarely marry before they become economically self-sufficient. So, physical sexual maturity, and erotic longings, can begin a decade or more before the age at which a person can responsibly marry. According to the dominant ethical system currently in place here in the U.S., that is the only socially approved circumstance for sexual activity.

This is perhaps the classic case of cultural mores being on a direct collision course with our evolutionary genetics. It is certain that throughout most of our time as a species, during which we were hunter-gatherers, humans began to form families and reproduce as soon as their bodies allowed it. Furthermore, while we cannot of course directly observe our ancestors, observations of our closest relatives, the primates, show that sexual play sometimes starts well before that.

Finally, our current culture showers post-pubescent teens with images of nudity and sexual behavior, further directing their attention to the internal fires stoked by the hormones in their blood.

As an aside, it should be noted that it actually is arguable that kids today witness any more sexual behavior than many of our predecessors did. Throughout much of history, the type of privacy we take for granted was impossible, so many kids grew up seeing parents and other relatives having sex. In Rome, it was not uncommon to see prostitutes performing their services openly in the streets.

So, we end up with a society in which kids (by "kids" I mean post-pubescent teens, not sexually immature children) are raring to go, in a culture that prohibits them from sexual behavior, sometimes, to use the example of some of the more idiotic, err, conservative, religious faiths, even behavior as harmless as masturbation.

This is Not Good.

We have one crazy, mixed-up society when it comes to the topic of sex. Dog Have Mercy on anyone with the temerity to point this out.

Judith Levine has written a book on the damage we inflict on our children by attempting to enforce a moratorium on sexual behavior during this gap between sexual maturity and economic self-sufficiency, entitled Harmful To Minors: The Perils Of Protecting Children From Sex. It's a heavily footnoted, scholarly work, full of citations to real world studies. She makes reasonable arguments as to the harm that we do to kids by treating consensual sex, or even normal youthful experimentation, as a Bad Thing.

As might be expected, the Religious Right has pilloried her, with such guiding lights as Dr. Laura going so far as to accuse her of being a pedophile. The faith-based sects have never been receptive to those that bolster their arguments with fact. Just ask Gallileo.

For an interesting look on Levine's personal experience as a young girl, read this.

But back to my intercourse (oral) with Ceridwen. I opined that it was my experience that kids with a hankerin' to get laid were going to get laid, no matter what manner of draconian restictions on their travels or activities were laid upon them. Requiring a kid to be home by eleven does not prevent them from doing the Deed of Darkness at ten fifteen. Hell, given the nature of teenage boys, it doesn't prevent them from starting at ten fifty-eight. :-) So long as the car is parked close to the house.

So, I advised, it might be the wisest course to accept the preordained, bring it out into the open, and attempt to negotiate some reasonable rules about it. Discuss safe and responsible sex, methods of birth control, and tell her daughter that she has absolute privacy in her own room when her friends visit.

She replied that to do that, to allow her daughter to do whatever in her home, would sound too much like condoning behavior she'd rather her not engage in.

That's reasonable objection, and at the time, I left it alone pending further reflection. I will ask all of you reading this to recall what you were doing from the ages of fourteen to sixteen, and ask can you really expect your own kids to be any different. The answer, in case you're wondering, is no. My girlfriends, best buddies, their paramours, and I were all sneaking out the bedroom window in the middle of the night for illicit trysts. Same as it ever was. Lust springs eternal in the human heart

The truth of the matter is that she would be condoning that behavior. But, given the fact that her daughter decides she's going to Do It, and nobody can realistically stop her, short of chaining her to the living room couch with an armed guard until she reaches whatever age you think is appropriate for her to engage in such behavior, would it be better for her to do these things in the safe environment of the home, or, out in the street somewhere, where she can't call for help, say, in the instance of some boyfriend pushing a bit too hard and too fast, or when her decision to do that is muddled by oh, a few screwdrivers?

Were she my child, I'd do my best to make sure she knew that to have erotic impulses was normal and healthy, and should she decide she wanted to have sex, then that was OK. I'd try my best to make sure that it was her decision to do so, and not due to a need to feel accepted, or because she thought she "had to" to keep a boyfriend. I'd educate her about condoms, STD's, and birth control, along with the alternatives to babymakin' vaginal intercourse - masturbation, oral sex, and so on, just in case she wasn't ready to go All The Way.

Then I'd probably sit on the front porch cleaning my shotgun and picking my teeth with a Bowie knife every time that a boy came to pick her up for the first time, and make damn sure that he knew the rules, too.

"You have car or any other type of problems, she has a cellphone, and I expect y'all to use it. Home at midnight means midnight, y'all wanna hang around together after that, that's fine, but you do it in her bedroom. You can stay as long as you and your parents like. I expect you to drive like you were lashed to the front bumper. Yes means yes, but no means no, and if you demonstrate that you don't understand what that word means, you'll be lucky to make it to the hospital, much less out of it. Fair enough?"

Sounds pretty fair to me.

Let's focus on the female teenagers for a moment...

I lost my virginity at 3:45 pm on a school day, in the basement of my parents home. The guy had driven over on a motorcycle, which a person can legally operate from the age of 14. If it is going to be done, it is going to be done.

The discussion should not be about "do it" or "don't do it". It should give the teen tools so she can examine for herself the pros and cons of doing it, and the motivation.

If teenage girls can resist the temptation of eating decent meals and live perpetually 10-15 pounds under their healthy weight, they can resist the biological impulse of sex, if they're emotionally not ready for it. And I truly believe most of them aren't.

If I had kids I'd discuss the following:

1) What is the motivation behind saying yes? Curiousity? Acceptance by peers? The girl being too dependent on the love/acceptance of the guy? The latter is what I'd most be concerned with. For some reason, teenage girls have poor self esteem and as a result become way too male dependent. 20 years from now it won't matter when she started having sex. What will matter is if her esteem will forever rely on her having a "man". Teach her to identify her motives. Teach her to feel good about herself. Teach her to help her friends feel the same way.

2) Is she aware of the responsibilities? Does she realize that men actually sometimes do not tell the truth as they pursue the "path down the panties"? For example, it never occurred to me that people lie. No one ever taught me this. Naiive, yes. But who knew? You can imagine the devistation I felt the first time a college boyfriend bragged to his friends that he got down my pants, then blew me off. I believed him when he said he cared, I was special, blah blah. It never occurred to me that what we did in the back of his car would end up being retold to anyone who ever heard of me. Is she ready for the consequences on her heart? On her reputation? Wouldn't it be more "fun" to just avoid the responsibility at this time in her life?

Does she know that birth control means every single time? Does she know that nothing is 100 % effective against STD's and pregnancy? Does she know that babies and herpes never go away? Is the activity worth giving up carefree freedoms, and trading that in for yeast infections, pregnancy scares, and disappointment when the relationship inevitably ends?

3) Does she know her own body well enough to know what she wants from her partner? This is where I think society really fails. I didn't even attempt to masturbate until my 20's. I always wondered what the big deal was with sex until I figured out where the clitoris was, the day my boyfriend accidentally stumbled upon it (what a day!) I had spent my early college years learning how to please men. I had no idea what it took to please me. Kinda backwards, don't you think?

My mother would roll over in her grave if she were dead, but I have to say, I think teen girls should be given books and battery operated devices. I didn't own one until 9 months ago (I'm 34). Tragic!

4) Does she know the risks her and her friends take when intoxicated and alone with a guy who is probably also intoxicated?

My friends and I were Catholic schoolgirls, which equates to "always drunk". Once I ended up in a car with four guys who seemed nice until they dropped my friends off, then they pounced. I was screaming and hysterically crying, kicking and telling them to leave me alone; meanwhile, one of them was trying to kiss me while the other one tried to take my clothes off. A third guy was driving, and a fourth one was "rooting them on" and watching in the front seat. I got out of that one by saying that I was supposed to meet my boss at work for a night shift meeting, and he had my friend's phone number (who we just dropped off), and if I didn't show up he'd call her, and she knew what the guys looked like. They let me go.

I was a pretty tame kid, but I have more than one story that could have ended badly. Luckily, only one instance of true date rape (when I was in college).

Most girls my age (high school in the 80's) have at least one story of date rape, acquaintance rape, or near date rape.

It is the parents job not to underestimate the innocence of their teen. The ability to trust is beautiful, but in our world, is dangerous.

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Four Excellent Points.

Mary, I think I'll just let her read this comment in a few years. :-) You've spelled out in eloquent detail the things I was thinking, and did most of the work for me.

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More On Raising Daughters

My friend Catherine offered some comments on this entry in a private mail, which she has graciously allowed me to share.

She writes:

As the mother of a fourteen year old daughter I approach such matters with eyes wide shut, to use the vernacular. My somewhat detached intellectual positions waver as I go from skimming the waters to wading in them.

I was thinking this morning, as a matter of fact, on my daughter's sexuality. I was thinking how I truly do wish her to experience joy and intimacy and sexual satisfaction ... and how my maternal instincts/old school upbringing/vestigial Catholic mores/concerns for her medical safety could easily botch up the best laid plans.

My instructions to her as she leaves the house are, basically, no drugs, no alcohol, no sex, no silly decisions that might require me to bail her out of jail or submit to a parental fitness test. The drugs, alcohol and silly decisions are fairly straightforward but the sex, of course, is not. Although, in my mind, the issues are all of the same ilk - cut from the same jagged edged cloth. Or jaggedy pieces of broadcloth, I suppose.

None of those instructions are morality based. I do not believe any of those things are moral/ethical issues. I do not believe that virgin marriages haveany value (beyond to the beholder, as it were) or that sex is bad. It's just dangerous. Disease, pregnancy, the pain of a "reputation" that degrades social maturation - yada, yada, yada.

I found a condom in her pocket one laundry day and asked her about it.

"Um, everyone carries one," she said, "it's kind of like a thing with the girls."

"Ah, more power to the girls," I replied, just a little sarcastically.

"Well, Mom, I am not having sex, but I will someday."


"And I'd like to be in charge of protection."

"Smart girl. Now go to your room until you're twenty one."

"I haven't met anyone I wanted to have sex with," she said.


"But I've met a lot of guys who want to have sex with me."

"An age old story, m'dear. Procreative imperatives and all that."

We laughed.

"I'm in charge," she said.

Which blossomed into a whole conversation on right and wrong, desire and self control, life changing decisions and young girls armed with condoms.

"Be smart," I said. The subtext came out in my expression [...or you'll pay the price...].

Nothing more to say after that.

There is a point when you have to let them go and hope you did your job properly.


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