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Frodo Accused By The ICC...

This is hilarious...

Sample bite from:


"Frodo Baggins of Bagshot Row, Hobbiton, The Shire, Middle Earth, has been called before the International Criminal Court to answer charges of war crimes brought by Sauron the Dark Lord and Saruman the White in a joint filing."

and later on...

"Baggins was responsible for casting the Ring of Power (otherwise known as the One Ring or simply the One) into the fires of Mount Orodruin in Mordor ("Where The Shadows Lie!" according to the Mordor Tourism Board), thereby destroying both the Ring and Sauron's long-standing hope to bring heretofore fractious and inefficient Middle Earth under the central political control of the Dark Tower. Without the Ring, Sauron's legions (defensive in nature and made necessary by the Lords of the West's aggression, according to Barad-Dur spokesmen) of orcs, wolves, trolls, and "evil" Men lost the will to fight and became helpless in the face of the armies of the West. Millions were slaughtered as a direct and immediate consequence of the destruction of the Ring."

When the Europeans realize that to sign the ICC treaty would require the President to seek a Constitutional Amendment allowing foreign judges, not answerable in any manner, however indirect, to the American voters, to have jurisdiction over American citizens, (and this will be hard for them to do, as most of them don't have a Constitution, or a Bill of Rights) and the odds of that amendment getting the needed two-thirds of the States to ratify it are about the same as Osama dancing in a thong in the next Britney video, maybe they'll quit carping about it.

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