a pic of my brain The Compleat Iconoclast
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I'm sorry this story is so long. I didn't have time to make it short."

-- Mark Twain --

Welcome Stranger! This is the page you want if it's your first time here.

Call me Marcus. I've stolen the name of a long dead Roman senator to use as my nom de net. Why? It's a long, but interesting story. You can read it here.

Rather than do the old obligatory intro, why don't I just point you to some articles that will serve the purpose? Sort of the MLD Sampler Pack...

I'd start with Origins of An Iconoclast. Then, try Pyramids, Epitaphs, and Apologies in Amber, which talks about why this site, parts of which started on scraps of paper twenty years ago, came about.

After that, depending on your inclinations, we have politics, religion, and the old standby, sex. No blog is compleat these days without the obilgatory discussion of the Middle East.

I lean toward the geeky side, so there are techy type entries every now and then. There's a bawdy skit I wrote for a party, and even a love poem. Well, it's more of a lust poem. :-) I promise not too much poetry - the web seems to have plenty of poetasters without me tossing my verse onto that malodorous heap. :-)

Of course, there are the typical rants, and personal musings.

There are several entries that are essentially photo-essays, mostly about fun stuff in the Houston area, like concerts, renfairs, and festivals.

Some defy categorization, and are an olio of all of the above.

The single most useful page is the Story Index page that will put you just one click away from all the entries, but you'll notice over there on the right a searchbox, and a calendar, if you'd like to navigate that way. The ten most recently added stories or comments will always be right below the calendar. I've not yet thought of anything to conduct a poll about, but I suppose I will, so the link stays there for now.

One thing that I've not put up is the obligatory link farm with 7,342 other blog sites on it. I suppose if I ever get horny to be famous, I'll have to...

Those folks down there on the right are my friends, alike in that they're all most interesting folk, but as different from each other as pepperoni and vanilla fudge.

There's a link at the bottom of each story for comments. Please use it.

I've tried to make it an eclectic, interesting mix of stuff. I do hope you'll enjoy it. If you do, please tell all your friends, and consider getting on the list to be notified when I add an entry. If you have a blog or journal, please drop me a mail and let me take a gander at yours.

It's only fair, you know. Don't you remember the game you played as a kid? I'll show you mine if you show me yours... :-)

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