a pic of my brain The Compleat Iconoclast
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My Pics Be Gettin' Famous...

I surfed over to the Bleu Edmondson website late last night, to discover that they are using one of the pics I took of him at the Crawfish Festival in Spring on his home page. While I'm flattered, they didn't credit me, which is little itty bitty bit rude. I'd mentioned on the page that the pics were free to use, but asked for a credit. Dude, throw me a bone, why don't ya? Maybe then I can get press creds to the next concert I wanna see. :-)

It's difficult to even feign being upset, as I like his music so much. Check out a few of his songs on the file-sharing network of your choice, like "$50 and a Flask of Crown", a honky-tonk road song with a catchy hook...

"I'd rope the devil, ride him into town, for $50 and a flask of Crown"

...or "Stripes On My Back", as plantive and authentic a prison song as I've ever heard a white man sing. It's just him and an acoustic guitar - no production fluff to hide behind.

So, he's welcome to the pic, along with any of the others I took that night, which you can see here, but I think I oughta at least get one of his CDs, or maybe two, gratis. What do you think?

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