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Part VII - Marine

In college, I read a book.

Imagine that. :-)

"The Courtier" by Castiglione.

I was introduced to the idea of a Renaissance Man, a warrior/poet/philosopher/artist/lover, a man who excelled in all things, the perfect combination of brains, brawn, and cultured sophistication. A worthy goal.

After I'd dropped out for a year to make some money so that I could go back to school, (I am not from a wealthy family) I read another book.

(In fact, I was reading lots of books, but this one is an important one.)

Starship Troopers. Robert Heinlein.

I remembered the warrior part of the Renaissance Man ideal.

Two weeks later, I was in boot camp.

It was one of the best decisions I ever made in my life.

But that's a whole 'nother story... :-)

I - Reader|II - The Shamans|III - Questions|IV - The Deed Of Darkness|V - Who's Your Daddy?|VI -The Lover's Cross|VII - Marine|
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