a pic of my brain The Compleat Iconoclast
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Truth in Blogging...

"You have to dance like no one is watching and love like it's never going to hurt."

Author Unknown One of the ongoing themes of my life over the last few years has been to be a transparent person, that is, to be my true self, warts and all, to disclose the good and the bad I've done in my life, to mention the stuff about myself that gives me the heebie-jeebies in equal proportion with the stuff that makes me proud. It's been a journey.

Ultimately, that is the place where freedom lives. To stand up in front of the world naked, as it were, and say, "This is me." I'm reminded of the saying, "A person that won't be blackmailed, can't be blackmailed." Once you disclose all the stuff you're afraid people will learn about you, then what's left to fear?

It looks like you've found the flip side...

of your earlier assertion: "I'm not going to let the facts get in the way of a good story. Some stories are too good not to be true, and create their own reality."

Granted, some lies are more true than the truth. But in general, aren't the facts going to be more "transparent" than fiction?

I wonder about this a lot myself. I try to stick to the facts with things like journals, diaries, blogs, etc. But I certainly use a good deal of deliberate fiction for the good of the poem in my poetic writing, and in many ways I consider that more expressive of myself than a whole year's worth of blog entries would be.

I guess it boils down to what makes you feel most transparent. Which fruit of your labors makes you most suddenly aware of your own nakedness?

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My Contradictions Are Legion...

How can I be transparent, (i.e., truthful) while still not letting the facts get in the way? :-)

Well, many of the stories I tell are about, or involve, other folks. If a story I tell is autobiographical in nature, I can be truthful about myself, while morphing the other folks involved to protect their privacy, and/or make the story more entertaining.

Furthermore, I think that making that disclaimer re: the veracity of anything you read here might just be the cover I need to tell the truth while maintaining plausible deniability for any situations for which the statute of limitations for prosecution has not yet been reached. :-)

"No, officer, I didn't really do that. It was just a story."

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