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Mystery Art

This painting has been my desktop wallpaper for a few years now, but I don't know who painted it. I originally found it gracing the home page of the University of Texas Classics Department, but they've since changed it.

It's got to be a depiction of the Fall of Troy, based on the armor and weapons.

If anyone out there in cyberspace knows the provenance of this work, I'd surely appreciate it if you'd just enter it in the comments section. Thanks.

A Painting of the Fall of Troy
if ur still there

if u are still there my good sir or madam since this post has been here for 11 years.... and i was also trying to find the name of the same art to find a better copy then the one that i took at the lourve... if u google this it will come up and the author is also included.
The Intervention of the Sabine Women,
Jacques-Louis David, Louvre, Paris

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