a pic of my brain The Compleat Iconoclast
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Bloggus Interupptus

I'm still alive, but my machine is not - seems a virus ate it. Have not checked email for about four days - most likely the longest hiatus since 1987 - feels like half my brain has been removed - I'm actually relying on TV and radio for news - how 1980's. So, I'm not dead, and will return to the online world soon, as soon as I can get one of the backup machines up and running on broadband...

I'm posting this from a local cybercafe at $18 per hour... :-(

only three minutes left...

Lost my cell phone, this week, too, waiting on the replacement, so I can't even call anyone... sucks to be me.

Will one of you that is a dubber forward this info - thanks in advance...


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