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Intifada, and the Arab Double Standard

The New York Times, and I'm sure others, are reporting today that the Arab League has come down strongly in support for Arafat and the intifada.

While this certainly cannot be a surprise to a student of the Middle East, it still confounds my sense of reality that the Arab world can be so blatant in their hypocrisy.

The very same people that so vociferously decried the minimal civilian casualties in the liberation of Afghanistan, that denounced a few instances of mislabeled targets and errant bombs, have put their stamp of approval upon a plan of intentional killing of Israeli civilians.

Where, I wonder, is the outcry from the American contingent that joined the Arab leaders in the criticism of the civilian casualties?

Meanwhile, it seems that Sharon is all but ignoring Bush's call to immediately cease operations in the West Bank, preferring to do so when he's good and ready.

The plot thickens...



1) "minimal civilian casualties". There are no "minimal" casualties, only brutal deaths. What would you say if an "errant" bomb drops on someone you know/love? Surely not "Oh it was another civilan casuality!!"

2) "and errant bombs". There are no errant bombs just "errant" f***ed up human beings!!


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