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A Surfeit of Inspiration

"There are a thousand thoughts lying within a man that he does not know till he takes up a pen to write."

William Makepeace Thackeray

What I should be doing is working on some templates so I can port this over to my friend Napalm's server and his blogging software, but I have this problem - too many things boiling around in my head waiting to be written.

I've got notes for over two dozen entries laying around, and they're brainworming me, clamoring for me to get them out of my head and into little 0's and 1's bandying about cyberspace. Every day, as I go for my walk, (two-a-days start tomorrow) I think of a few more. I've taken to carrying a little notebook and pen in my pocket, just to jot down the ideas that always seem to come streaming in. Exercise, running and walking in particular, always does that for me.

I have a theory that getting the corpuscles up and trudging about inspires creative thought. I don't know the mechanism, but I know it exists.

Writer's block is the least of my problems.

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