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1,000 Words A Day

Doesn't seem that hard to do does it?

Well, maybe it is. I've found that though I love having written, I hate the actual physical process of writing. I keep wanting to add and change stuff, tweak and tweak and tweak ad infinitum, ad nauseam. Carpal and cruddy typing skills don't help.

I was watching Charlie Rose the other night. He was interviewing a writer, I forget who, it's not important.

Rose asked the guy, a reporter that had to write a regular column, how he managed to be so prolific. The guy said that he just had a goal of a thousand words, four miserable pages, every day, no matter what.

Discipline yourself to do that, he said, and in three short months, you have a book.

I was astounded to think of it that way. Are modern novels truly that short? Just 80-100k words? Hello? Anybody?

I can do a thousand a day, I think. That's gonna be my goal from now on. 1,000 a day. Even if it's crapola, 1,000 a day. You Have Been Warned.


yes! do it!

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