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Am I A Good Lay?

A girl I met on a mailing list I frequent took a shine to me a while back, and we eventually made plans for me to fly over to see her in meatspace.

Doing the Deed of Darkness was definitely on the agenda. :-)

In the weeks immediately before my trip, she asked me about my opinion about myself as a lover.

My reply:

"Dunno. Unless we're talkin' whackin' off here, (and I imagine if it's been three months you've had enough of that) sex is a team sport, typically with a two-person team, though you do get some options re: team size, if you like. :-)

So, I don't think "one" person alone can be good at sex, it's more a function of two people being good at sex with one another. With some women we've been good, with some we've been as boring as sex can get, which ain't very, if you're asking me, and with some we've been the best we ever had.

So, YMMV. :-)

I do get a few folks that like to play on my team, so I guess I do OK over there on my end of the seesaw.

Of course that's just my perception of the reality of the facts, so I might be all wrong.

I could be ol' NeedleDick the BugFucker, Willie the Wilted, or Hammerin' Hank the Steeldrivin' Man complete with a ten inch, Woman-Whacker con built-in French Tickler that slices, dices, chops, grates, vibrates, rotates, shoots flames and spins in circles, and a Pile-Drivin' Jackhammer Butt for slamming the W-W into you until your toes curl, your hair stands on end, your pudding starts smokin', and we wake the neighbors for ten blocks around when you cut loose with a whopper that registers about 8.3 on the nearest seismograph, triggering the Perfectly Timed Simultaneous Mutual Orgasm Sensor to activate the Super Power Ejaculator Module to blast you with blast that blows you out of the bed and through the wall like a ping-pong ball from a fire hose, leaving a cartoon style sexpot-shaped hole in the wall. :-)

Who knows? Only one way to know fer sure. As they say, the proof is in your puddin'. :-)

Problem is, altavista tells me you're 1145 miles away, which is about 1144 miles, 5,279 feet, and six inches longer than my Woman-Whacker, to the extent that my perceptions have any relation to the facts, so one of us is going to have to get on a plane, I think, if we're going to find out. :-)

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