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On The Wagon

Drying out sucks.

I'm normally about a six-pack a day kinda guy. After decades in the bar business, I've got the Arnold Schwarzenegger of livers, and my tolerance is incredible. But over the last month, during the Rodeo here in Houston, I was going out to three or four shows a week, and drinking a lot more than even is normal for me. So, I've decided to give it a rest for a while, at least a month.

The longest I ever quit before was when my wife, err, ex-wife was pregnant with our daughter. I went on the wagon with her as a gesture of solidarity, and in fact didn't have a drink until MK was almost three months old. Eleven months and change without a drink.

By the third month, I wondered why I had ever drank at all.

Sometimes I wonder why I ever started again.

It's worst when I try to go to sleep at night. I've been depending on those three of four beers to help me to sleep, and now I toss and turn for what seems like hours. So, I've been sitting up late, tossing off long, combative, verbose posts to my friends at DaveWorld, almost certainly boring them, if not outright pissing them off. Maybe I should remind them about the delete key.

I had my last drink Tuesday. Yesterday seemed like the Belly of the Whale. I had to go to the WalMart to pick up a few things, and walk down the beer aisle. I ended up spending $35 on other stuff to drink - V-8 (love that stuff) grapefruit juice, cranberry juice, flavored waters, diet root beer, buttermilk, you name it.

Wish me luck.

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