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Cassandra, Confirmed

A while back, I wrote an entry about the likelihood of a dirty bomb attack on the US. My basic point was that such an attack was unstoppable, given the present state of US border security, and a sophisticated and determined foe.

Turns out the latter isn't needed. Even some journalists can do it.

Some folks from ABC news were able to move fifteen pounds of depleted uranium over several national borders and into the US. While this substance is not considered to be harmful (unless it's used in projectile weapons) it presents a radiation signature similar to a mass of shielded active uranium. In other words, if they could get this stuff into the country, they could get the dirty bomb fixins in, too.

The full report is here.

This would be an excellent example of why just "playing defense" will not work, and why we must destroy regimes that aid and abet terrorism before we suffer any more catastrophic attacks.

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