a pic of my brain The Compleat Iconoclast
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Sorry For The Weirdness

But it seems the antville geeks are in the midst of some upgrades, and the bugs are coming out of the woodwork. If the past is any indication, they'll have it worked out here soon.

It could be worse - I could be on Blogger. Eeeew!

I'm a liberal blogger

*sniff!* I'm a "liberal", and I use blogger. I feel so unworthy! I might as well totally succumb to lameness and join AOL again. :-)

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Re: I'm a liberal blogger

Well, it just goes to show you - nobody's perfect -not even a zaftig woman that likes beer. :-)

... link

Re: I'm a liberal blogger

Someday I'm gonna have to look up the word "zaftig". Does that mean "big tits"? ;-)

I'm sure it's a compliment from you Marcus. You're a gentlemen and you have intelligence. I don't think I've seen concurrent occurence of those traits in quite a while.

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