The Compleat Iconoclast |
...Vote For Your Favorite Wench... mld, August 27, 2002 at 4:12:00 AM CEST Saddam, Take A Number One argument that I've seen the so-called liberals use in the debate on whether or not to go get Saddam and put his head on a pike is the one I'll call the "Well, What About Him?" argument. In this lovely line of compassionate argument, they say, "Well, Saddam is a bad man, we admit that." They then argue that if we set this precedent, it would somehow be unfair. What about North Korea, and China, and whomever else they can think of? We can't take all those Bad Guys down, can we? They have big armies and nukes. It'd cost a lot of blood and treasure that the people are reluctant to spend. So, since we can't change things for the better everywhere, the only correct, moral, fair thing to do is ignore all the little tin-pot dictators with overgrown police forces and let them have their way with their citizens, too. This sounds so zany to me that I have a hard time believing folks who otherwise seem intelligent can espouse this idea, yet they do. You hear it from both liberals and libertarians. Evidently, they've forgotten what the root word from which they both derive their chosen labels, liber, means. "Free." I had one guy, who I'll let remain anonymous (I'm truly embarrassed for him), actually write and say, "Who's next, Zimbabwe?" as if it were some devastating argument that trumped anything I had to say about the humanitarian reasons to take down Iraq. Yeah, putting Mugabe's head on a pike is OK with me. Except after reading this, I don't think he oughta be next. I think he oughta be first. It's not enough that he's starving his political opposition, now his troops are, by direction, raping the children of his foes on a grand scale. "Hundreds of girls as young as 12 are being raped or forcibly kept as concubines in rural Zimbabwe by President Robert Mugabe's youth militia as part of a campaign that human-rights lawyers have branded "systematic political cleansing" of the population." Where are the liberals? Where are the feminist voices, where is the Church, and the ICC, and the EU, and the folks pissing and moaning that we were abusing the poor Taliban detainees by making them kneel while they were being photographed? Where is Amnesty International, the UN, John Paul and Sharpton and Jesse and Bill and Hilary? Where's Chomsky and Sontag? Where's Sheila Jackson Lee? Where are the black church leaders? Or the white ones? For that matter, where the fuck is Bush43? For what sin are these people the world's orphans? No soup for you, my Zimbabwe friends. Sucks for you that you aren't sitting on top of some vital American interest. Sorry your whole continent is one big freakin' abattoir, and none of the folks that got it that way (look straight north and you'll see who I mean) are willing to clean up the mess, if it means going to more effort than frowning a bit and signing a few resolutions. Bush needs to drop the 82nd, or a few Marine Brigades, the Boy Scouts, me and a few rednecks, somebody, anybody, down there, right now, with the specific mission to kill Mugabe and everybody in his Rolodex. We can't go get Saddam for a few more months anyway, and this will only take about fifteen minutes. I don't give an amoeba's ass about nationbuilding, international law, or if the next guy in line is as bad as Mugabe. If he is, we'll take him down, too. We need to make it real clear that "regime change" means removing those that run them from amongst the quick to amongst the dead. Sooner or later, sooner I think, they'll figure out that being a Bad Man really lowers your life expectancy, and people will quit applying for the job of Head Henchman before we run out of ammo. Two words for ya, baby. Pax Americana. Get used to it. It's the liberal thing to do.
BeerMary, 8/27/02, 3:50 PM
Don't say "liberal", dagnabbit!
"So, since we can't change things for the better everywhere, the only correct, moral, fair thing to do is ignore all the little tin-pot dictators with overgrown police forces and let them have their way with their citizens, too. " Um... NO! Dude, I've said it before and I'll say it again. I am a liberal. To me, the word liberal means "free and open mind". It means judging each moral quandry on it's own merits. I'm a liberal, and I AGREE WITH YOU! I want Saddam blown off the face of the map. I want every leader who enslaves women, persecutes anyone because of religion, does not allow a popular vote, to be blown off the face of the map. Until we have global democracy, and I mean REAL democracy, not under duress, we will have human rights violations. Reading about what goes on in the world, I find it hard to believe we are in the 21st century. America turned it's head for years when it came to Nazi concentration camps, and it bit us in the ass. Not to mention the untold amount of human suffering we could have prevented if we had done the right thing and stepped in. To not be part of the solution is to be part of the problem. It's a cliche', but it is true. How much global suffering can the American people ignore beofe we start getting the "revenge of the karma"? As the world's strongest military power, we MUST defend the rights of those that can't defend themselves. (As I've said before..) If that makes the US the world's policemen, SO BE IT. Our way or the highway. Sorry folks, but let's face facts. Women are having their "female pieces-parts" removed in Africa. China is forcing married couples to abort their second child, which leads to murder of their first child if it is female. I could go on and on about things happening in this world that just SHOULD NOT BE BORNE. OK, so what if we trample on the soverign rights of some regimes to guarantee basic human rights for their people? The end justifies the means, baby. If it's up to us to liberate the globe, so be it. Signed, A LIBERAL! ... Link ... Comment
somebuddy, 8/27/02, 5:38 PM
A Thinking Yank??
I'm stunned to see that someone in the good ol' US of A has given some thought to the plight of the Zimbabweans! ... Link
mld, 8/27/02, 7:52 PM
For no good reasons
Zimbabwe gets ignored for several reasons. None of them work well for me. I can't help but think that Mugabe is very fortunate in his timing, and that if we were not fixated on Iraq, it might be a bit easier to get some attention on this subject. I think many politicians are wary of defending the white farmers due to the fact that it would seem racist. There would be many here in the States that would argue that "repatriating" all that fine farmland to the blacks is a correction of a long-standing injustice. That is why any calls for intervention must be humanitarian ones. I imagine that Bush43 is hoarding his political capital for GWII, which is why I think nothing will be done unless there is a groundswell of protest from traditionally liberal sources to permit him to do something there. As for my awareness of the situation there, I've followed the news there ever since the mid-70's, when Mugabe was a rebel, and the country was Rhodesia. I can recall reading back in those days how the country would go straight to hell if someone like Mugabe ever came in to power, and unfortunately those Cassandras were correct. ... link
somebuddy, 8/28/02, 7:44 AM
Your conclusion is spot on
True that many in the states would argue that "repatriating" all that fine farmland is the correction of a long standing injustice. ... link ... Comment |
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