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Was his name Leo, or Neo?

Can this really be true?

According to the BBC, the Cambodian government on April 30 allowed 42 midgets to get in the ring with an African lion in a fight to the death. One of the governments major conditions was that they get 50% of the revenue.

12 minutes after the fight started, 28 midgets were dead, and another 14 out of the fight with broken bones and missing limbs.

I'm guessing they didn't give the midgets any weapons. WTF were they thinking? I don't think 420 midgets could take down a lion. Had no one involved ever tried to give a cat a bath? A cat that weighs, of I dunno, 500+ pounds?

UPDATE: A hoax. Knew it was too good to be true, but I got the link from a trusted site without checking it myself.


was that a Roman blip we just had - like on the order of a historical acid flashback? jeez. i hope nobody ever pokes a hole in the historical bursal sac - just think what else might leak out.

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