a pic of my brain The Compleat Iconoclast
...Vote For Your Favorite Wench...

Wednesday, 19. November 2003

The Four HorseMen of the Techopalypse

I'm feeling particularly surly today.

In the last week, I've had internet access through my local broadband provider for all of about one and a half days (which is why there've been no more TRF pics up for a while), for reasons that are unclear. They've seemed to have a rash of outages, though, to be fair, we've had some bad weather of late, and it has been fairly reliable in the past.

Today, I was speaking about it to my friend Ceri, on a cell phone which only works about half the time here at home, as Verizon has shitty coverage hereabouts.

I don't mean in the area, I mean here in my little living space.

It works in the bathroom, sometimes in the office, never in the hallway or living room, and only in the bedroom if I hold the phone to my head on the side closest to the window at exactly 47.5 degrees, +- a degree or so, so long as it ain't cloudy, the wind isn't blowing some tree branches around, a butterfly doesn't flap its wings in China, and that you religiously, like a monk chanting his vespers, utter the mantra "Can You Hear Me Now?" about every seventeen seconds.

It's something to think about before you run out and do like I did and cancel that landline, kiddos.

Anyway, it got us to polling each other, "Who do you hate the most - the cable company or the telephone company?"

This had been for me the major factor in choosing a broadband provider - to whom did it least disgust me to send my moolah every month? Who was least likely to buttfuck me with a bevy of service charges and arcane add-on access fees, troglodyte tech reps, and a monthly invoice that only the motherfuckers that write the IRS code could love?

What a choice.

Toss in the cell phone companies, and there you have it, I said, The Geek Axis of Evile, with their Armies of Asshats, their Tech Support Terrorists, their Battalions of Bureaucrats, against whom we should all rise up with pitchforks and torches and toss into the nearest bonfire. It takes a horde to raze the Global Village.

About that time her machine crashed, and I realized I'd left out one important MVP in the category of Folks You Love To Hate, the Orcs of the Operating Sytem, the Demons of the Desktop, the Vampires of the Virii, The Balrogs of the Buffer OverRun, the Revenants of Redmond, the one and only Microsoft.

There you have it, ladies and gents, the Four HorseMen of the Techopalypse.


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Tuesday, 11. November 2003

More MudFaerie Pics

Here are some further pics of the MudFaeries and their art. As the rains have come and gone over the weeks at the faire, they've built and rebuilt several of the works, each time a bit differently, of course. The dragon has been through several iterations, and just this last week they added a female companion for the wizard.

A wizard formed from mud.


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Monday, 10. November 2003

More Wenches of TRF 2003

A wench named Hippolyta vogues

The penultimate weeked of faire was again a mixed bag. The weather was merely OK, and the light for shooting pics once again sucked. The crowd was fairly good on Saturday at 29,700, but Sundays continue to lag, and we only had 17,200. Once again all stats courtesy of the Beefeaters.

While both of these are the best crowds to date, we're still looking for that killer weekend where 60K+ folks come partying through.

Macker will be pleased to know that I ran into the woman I'd been calling the SpikyWench, and not only got a few more pics of her, but actually chatted a bit with her. She's calling herself Hippolyta, after the queen of the Amazons. I pointed out that she'd have to have one of her breasts removed to pull that off in an authentic manner, but all present agreed that would probably be going a bit too far in the interests of realism. :-)

Some of Lord Entropy's crowd

This lady had a very interesting headpiece, and even had, as more and more folks seem to be doing these days, some bizarre contacts fitted to make her look more alien. Once expensive and largely found only in Hollywood productions, they seem to have become more widespread, and I see a few dozen or so patrons each year wearing them.

My friend Mary was wearing quite a lovely headpiece this week, and the pics I took of her Saturday are among my very favorites of the season.

Mary Dane of AFR and Pendragon

After I took those two, I started laughing and said, "Hon, I'm just gonna grab a closeup of my favorite part." The result is here. :-)

I don't know the name of her character this season, but this young lady has been a member of the entertainment cast here for many seasons, in various roles.Once a barbarian, then a Native American princess, she's now a gypsy woman of some sort.

This lass is winning the award this season in the category of Bravest Attempt to Restrain the Puppies With the Least Square Inches of Leather.

Another wench in leather

A wench in black leather

Stay tuned. More to come later.

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