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Tuesday, 25. January 2005

His Chimp Fu Is Strong

I would wager that this is a bonobo that is still fairly young. You'd have to be a madman to let a fully grown chimp do this. He'd take you apart iffn he got out of control.

See the video here.


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A Nice Pair

Some of you may know that I work on the weekends at a country-western bar. I am the DJ.

You don't get much in the way of perks. No health insurance, retirement, 401K's, etc.

What you do get is the occasional pretty young girl willing to flash her knockers if you'll play her favorite song. Every once in a great while, you'll get a girl who's willing to let you take her picture as she does.

Evidence follows:

Yes, they are real. Don't ask me how I know. :-)

UPDATE: I added another pic of her in the comments.


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