a pic of my brain The Compleat Iconoclast
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Tuesday, 10. February 2004


...in Spanish, means a liar.

We see them every day. A good liar can use body language to help sell the lie.

But a perceptive person, an investigator, a therapist, a poker player, can see through the mendacious signals the liar uses to try and sell the lie. But while the lips can lie, the body always tells the truth. Facial expressions, unconscious nods and shakes of the head, even eyeblinks make sure that "the Truth will out."

First among the signals we use to convey emotion is the smile. A respected researcher has delved into this, and discovered the itty-bitty differences that manifest between the smile that is true and the smile that lies.

Can you tell the difference? Try this test to see.

Please, if you would, post your score as a comment. I suspect the readers here are more perceptive than most, or they'd be watching the boob tube rather than reading this. :-)

My results are here


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