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Friday, 18. October 2002

Call Off The Dogs...

Well, I'm flattered that y'all seem to be jonesin' for my deathless prose, but you're going to have to get used to it for a while.

My accustomed and preferred workload is about two days a week. Since my last entry, I've worked every single day, long days, save one. I'm so far behind I can't even see caught up. I needed to leave the house two hours ago, but I've been ruthlessly triaging through my inbox, and writing this so that y'all will quit, lessee, (rereads the latest comments) taunting, yelling, whining, and pouting.

Posting will resume when my life does, but right now I'm on one of my infrequent income generating binges. Consider this your opportunity to read through the back catalog, as I doubt there is anybody that has read everything I've posted here.


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