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Friday, 10. May 2002

Art Folk

At the Art Car Parade, where the cars are dressed as anything from fruit stands to fish to scenes from The Inferno, you can imagine that anything pretty much goes in the way of personal attire. Here are a few of the more interesting Art Folks I managed to catch that day. Again, click on the pic for a larger image in a new window...

That's what she  calls herself, the Cowgoddess. Well, she is a purty heifer.
The CowGoddess
Another pic of the Cowgoddess
More CowGoddess
A very patriotic lady, evidently.
The FlagLady
A pic of one of the parade participants
A Goth Chick
One of the more bizarrely dressed paraders, he drove the motortrike.
A Truly Weird Dude
I don't think I ever thought of Raggedy Ann as sexy before...
Raggedy Ann
Her button reads "Eat, Drink, and be Fat and Drunk."
A Fun Lady - read the button.
He rode on the SteerCar
The HornBlower

Finally, the winner and new champion in my Favorite Patron Contest, first prize being placed right at the very top of my own personal To-Do List, is the ShowPony.

The Art Cars 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8 The Art Bikes The Art Folk Technical Notes


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