a pic of my brain The Compleat Iconoclast
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Wednesday, 1. May 2002


Went for a walk yesterday along the levee in the late evening. After a mile or so, I put my foot down on a brown stick.

Except it was a snake. I hopped away in a heartbeat as it whipped at me with it's head but missed, then slithered off. I couldn't tell with a quick glance in the gloom whether it had the delta-shaped head of a pit viper, which would have made it a copperhead or a water mocassin, or if it was just one of the several dark and onery water snakes that are found around here.

He was evidently enjoying the residual heat of the road that runs along the top of the levee on this coolish night, before I so rudely disturbed him.

So, today I've been earwormed all day, with the old silly Tom T. Hall song "Sneaky Snake" running endlessly through my head. It's horrible. "I don't like old Sneaky Snake, He laughs too much you see, When he goes crawling through the grass, It tickles his underneath." He was lucky I was in a good mood. I'm a snake-eater, you know. :-)


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