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A Vote For Lazy Politicians

"A multitude of laws in a country is like a great number of physicians, a sign of weakness and malady."


The Bushwhackers are up in arms, as W has announced his intentions to take a month vacation in lively Crawford, TX.

I don't give a flying frog if he takes a month off.

I think we ought to encourage him to take even more time off. In fact, I wish he'd persuade most of the Congress and half of the executive branch to go with him.

Government is broken, and the best we can hope for is just a lethargic benign neglect.

I attribute the broke-etudeness to the change in our form of government from a republic to a de facto democracy, among other things, (primarily the dumbing down of an electorate content to suck blindly at the media nipple, aka the boob tube) but that's a whole 'nother rant for some other time.

Think of the advantages...

It means he's not jetting around the planet on Air Force One, spending a bunch of money hobnobbin' with heads of state, hypocritically signing treaties that he will later recommend to Congress that they not ratify, (International Criminal Court) or will never ratify under any circumstances (Kyoto, lost 98-0 in the Senate, but the whacko tree-huggers will pillory Dubya for it just the same) just so he can look like he's doing something constructive.

He's not giving interns cigar jobs while the Congress is deadlocked over the budget, and the government is shut down. Being resident in the White House is not equivalent to being "on the job."

While on vacation, he's not pardoning 164 felons for fun and profit, to include, among others, former Chicago Democratic Congressman Mel Reynolds, who, along with bank fraud, wire fraud, and election law violations, was serving five years for fucking an underage campaign worker.

But then again, the hardworking Slick Willie has demonstrated in the most convincing way that he doesn't have a problem boinking subordinates, unless, of course, you're in the military. Then you get fired, unless you're the Commander-In-Chief.

On an even more surreal note, the aforementioned Reynolds was hired by that other bastion of sexual integrity, Jesse Jackson, to work in his Rainbow/Push organization. The convicted (12 counts) sexual offender (he was boinking sixteen year old Beverly Heard) will be working for prison reform. Heh. I'm sure he has a personal interest in that topic, as it might make his next stay more comfortable.

Of course, Jesse is known for his forgiving nature - he forgave Bill, (he was having his prayer meeting with Clinton about the time he was getting his little bastard planted in Karin Stanford) Bill forgave him, so all is forgiven, one presumes. The tender mercies of heaven do indeed rain down most bounteously through the agency of his faithful servant Jesse.

Frankly, I wouldn't care if Dubya took the whole rest of his term off. In fact, I wish most of Congress would, too. I hadn't noticed anybody demonstrating in the streets for more laws. I think we probably have enough of them as it is. A decade or so of benign neglect in Washington would most likely be the happiest outcome we could imagine, given the sorry state of our present crop of politicians.

Think of it. All the monied special interests, the de facto rulers of this nation by virtue of their campaign donations, would not have their agents in place to help advance their agendas. No more renting out the White House bedrooms, accepting moolah from foreign governments, or selling indulgences/Get Out Of Jail Free Cards.

Let's send a letter to all of our federal elected officials encouraging them to take follow the President's leadership by example, and start taking more time off. The rest of their terms sounds like a good start.

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