a pic of my brain The Compleat Iconoclast
...Vote For Your Favorite Wench...

"...'tis a consumation devoutly to be wished."

Deny me if you will. It might be wise To cage the lust that stalks my heart. That two-backed beast Could rend our lives (Kamikazi head-on rendevous with the little death, The hereafter be damned)

Deny me if you can. I can't deny The catch in my throat When you first pass me by. (Perfect red cupids' bow smiling Like a whipcrack sear across my crotch, Hips rolling with a sultry grace That speaks of softer pleasure)

Deny me if you must. It might be wise To bank the blaze that burns us both. Love like fire sometimes sears That meant only to warm And so consumes what fed it. (If we dove into each other, Would either ever surface?)

Deny me if you want. Our minds have met The way bodies rarely do, My lover in all but deed. You can't deny me my blue dreams. (Long supple flanks, the lovers' clasp, My tongue deep inside your mouth As we climax on each other)

Deny me if you will. The days grow short While we thrust and parry, Fencing with the fated.

Your virtue mocks your wants, My longing mocks my dreams


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