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Just in case you missed it, here's a closeup (hat tip - Drudge) of Janet Jackson's titty decoration, which most media are reporting as be a "pasty."

Janet Jackson's nipple clamp

Yeahright. The media hasn't a clue. As my podjo hoo would say...

"If that's a pasty, then my ass is a banjo."


That is not a pasty, that is a piercing. Even my 16-year-old daughter knows that is a piercing. (In fact, I am appalled at just how much my daughter knows about such piercings!) At least one of the news reports I heard last night did describe it as a piercing, rather than a pasty. Ouch.

One of the news channels was also brandishing a news release from MTV, dated some time last week, that said there would be a "shocking moment" during Janet Jackson's performance. This is being displayed as proof that it was planned, rather than accidental.

I'm still not sure, oddly enough--in all the replays, she sure looks shocked that her tit is suddenly hanging out in the open--she covered it pretty damn quick, too. That news release from MTV is pretty damning, though--in spite of all their apologies today.

Caitlin tells me that thing is called a "nipple shield." Ouch.

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now i could be wrong, but i have a catalog that sells these, and the one very similar is a glue on and not a piercing. i did not know that michael had such large nipples

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