a pic of my brain The Compleat Iconoclast
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Moore Kisses of Death

Unassailable evidence that Clark has all the political instincts of, say, the average fire ant...

Jabba the Hutt's uglier son endorses Wesley Clark, who's too stupid not to embrace it. Photo courtesy AP

Incrediibly enough, that's Michael Freakin' Moore shaking his hand. If I were Clark, I'd have taken pains to make sure that he and I were never even in the same zip code.

Heh. If Clark gets the nomination, (I know, bloody likely), Rove won't even have to get out of bed in the morning - just run this pic as the lead Republican campaign ad.

But if that's not enough...

Listen to this, from The Weekly Standard. It's the sort of stoopidshit that anyone that been elected to any public office a notch above dogcatcher didn't make.

Clark says: I was in one war I came home from on a stretcher with a Silver Star and a Purple Heart. My son was a lieutenant in the Army. I believe in our veterans. I believe in public service. And I led our forces in another war that saved a million and a half people. If you want someone to get us out of a war, you elect a general who's been in a war and knows how little can be accomplished by fighting.

OK, let's try and wrap our brains around this - he takes credit for leading a war that saves, in his own estimation, 1.5 million lives. In the next sentence, says he knows how little good fighting does.



could he just be saying that not all war is good. so he was in more than one war. one saved lives, the other ruined lives.

i think the point is that he understands the horror of war and would take steps to prevent if possible.


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