a pic of my brain The Compleat Iconoclast
...Vote For Your Favorite Wench...

The OrthoDox Prez

Of the field of the Nine Dwarfs, err...Nazgul, err..Angry Men, err.. Democratic Presidential Candidates, Joe Leiberman seems to be the one I could actually vote for if I had to, for the clear reason that he hasn't embraced the knee-jerk anti-war moonbattiness of the rest of the field.

It made me wonder, though, about the international diplomatic ramifications if by some miracle he did win the election.

Given the rising level of Anti-Semitism in Europe, much less the Middle East, can you imagine what it would be like if we had an Orthodox Jew as President?

The conspiracy theorists would self-combust, and can you imagine Prince Whoever of the Sauds, or Musharaff, Chirac, or ANY Islamic leader having to come over here and shake his hand and make nice?

Can you imagine Mubarak having to come over here and kiss his ass to make sure those billions we give his dogass regime keep a'comin?

That's one delicious thought.

Maybe Bush could make him Secretary of State for his second term. That's be almost as good, and would pretty much insulate Bush and the Veep from any asassination attempts by Islamic terrorists, as Joe would be third in line for the top spot if they managed to pull it off.

Never happen, though.

Speekina Moonbats, what the hell are the serious contenders, meaning Dean, Leiberman, Gephardt, Clark, Edwards, and Kerry thinking?

They're letting themselves be seen on stage with Barking Moonbats Cubed like Sharpton, Braun, and Kucinich. I'm no expert on politics, but this is like showing up to pick up your date for the Senior Prom in the company of Hunter Thompson, Mike Tyson, and Michael Jackson. The Democrats are at risk of becoming a parody of themselves.

They should have exorcised those cranks from their midst a long time ago.

I had happened, the other day, while searching for a ballgame on the radio, to hear the broadcast of the last of the debates this motley crew held for the benefit of the electorate's enlightenment.

I was floored. I think my mouth actually fell open a few times at the level of illogical, visceral, blind, hate and vitriol they were spewing out. Made Linda Blair look like a piker.

It was like a contest, with all the candidates save Leiberman, and to a lesser extent Gephardt, engaged in a vicious spiral of seeing who could spout the most outrageous insult towards the current administration's direction.

I was thinking to myself, "Dude, did you just say that out loud? Don't you know the camera's are rolling? Rove's gonna tear your ass up with these soundbites come the fall."

This was before we nailed Saddam, and all the news we've since gotten about the economic recovery, but that was the night I decided that Bush would win the election in a walk. I got money on it, if anyone's interested. :-)

Barking Moonbats

I don't think that Kucinich is such a barking moonbat. Yeah, he's liberal enough to make me look like a right-winger, but he's inoffensive enough. Maybe they keep him around to make them look less liberal. And Carol Moseley-Braun certainly wasn't a barking moonbat; she is a well spoken, intelligent woman and I was sorry to see her drop out so early in the race (not that I think she had a hope in hell of winning even one primary, let alone the nomination).

Sharpton, on the other hand, is the King of the Barking Moonbats. And you know damn well that the only reason that the other candidates let him on the stage is because he's black, and if they tried to get rid of him, he'd run around foaming at the mouth and screaming that they won't let him play because he is black and they are all racists. If there was any other black candidate, I think they would have shook Al off a long time ago. He is an absolute crank with an indefensible record--if by some unfortunate tragedy all the other Democrats dropped dead and Sharpton won the nomination, the Republicans would run right over him with a steam roller named Tawana Bradley, and rightly so. I'd vote for Dubya before I'd vote for Sharpton. In fact, I'd write in Caligula's horse (what was his name?) (Incitatus - mld) before I'd vote for Sharpton. The horse is more electable and would certainly do a better job. Sharpton is a Scumbag Extraordinaire. Besides, he's the biggest racist in the world; all he talks about or cares about is race, and that just gets tiresome after a while.

And how does he get his hair to do that?

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