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Gollum Gangsta Rap

So I posted this link, in my not-really-a-review of Return of the King, which takes you to a freakin' hilarious flash animation of what I can only call Gollum Gangsta Rap.

Problem is, my enjoyment was clouded by not being able to understand all the lyrics. So, after a bit of judicious websleuthing, I was able to contact the guy that wrote, produced, and performed it, Ned Evett.

Ned seems like a nice guy by the way. In the course of our brief talk, he told me a few interesting things - first, the work has been out on the web for about a year, and is somehow just now taking off.

And taking off it is - the servers are dropping cubic gigs a day, serving it it up over 100K times just this last week.

Best of all, he's near completion of a sequel. You heard it here first. :-)

Without further ado, the lyrics, for your sing-along pleasure.... Gollum is Smegol King I is regal Basshead for the precious Smeagol fly like an eagle

Precious is my bling-bling Precious gonna sing-sing Precious on my finger Nasty hobbits no sting-sting

My pimp stick a missin' Redrum on a mission Don't fuck wit the Gollumses playa Playa we be fishin'

Me wants it Hobbitses stole it Power to the Playa And the Gollum who controls it

The Towerz are the Playaz The Towerz are the Playaz all

Skills with the grooves Middle Earth have you heard the news? Gollum drop a beat that even Orcses even use

Sauron and Smegol Kitty full of evil Jumpin' down to D-Town Smegol get medieval

My drawers are hangin' light I'm stuffin' up my pipe Spliffin' and a splashin' I'm steppin' to the mic

Gollum is Smegol King I is regal Basshead for the precious Smeagol fly like an eagle

The Towerz are the Playaz The Towerz are the Playaz all

Mr. Tuxedo's Hall Of Fame

My name is (NOT) Hector McKerrow. I am starting to use Flash MX and will definitely put a hyperlink on to this site on my new, in-progress, site. My (supposed) friends and I call our gang the 'Albino Blacksheeps' or 'Black Albinos' and, also, you forgot 'Urak-Hai are'...Sorry.

... Link

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wickety bo

Bert Is Evil.

... Link


wicked rap i made my own up

... link

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