The Compleat Iconoclast |
...Vote For Your Favorite Wench... mld, December 14, 2003 at 5:16:00 PM CET Nailed His ASS! We Got Saddam! WooHoo!
schmerles, 12/16/03, 7:31 AM
Do you
really think so ? ... Link
mld, 12/16/03, 8:01 AM
Yes I do...
Do you not think we captured Saddam? If so, why? And what the hell does a pic of Bush with a turkey on a tray in Baghdad on Thanksgiving Day demonstrate, other than your willingness to toss in a total non-sequitur, for reasons only you can explain to me? ... link
schmerles, 12/16/03, 8:49 PM
The first turkey was a double Washington - Der demokratische Kongressabgeordnete Jim McDermott sagte in einem Rundfunkinterview, das US-Militär hätte Saddam schon vor langer Zeit finden können, "wenn sie das gewollt hätten". Auf die Nachfrage, ob er die Gefangennahme für "getimt" halte, damit Bush innenpolitisch punkten könne, antwortete McDermott: "Ja, oh ja." ... link
mld, 12/17/03, 3:14 AM
Moonbats Everywhere Agree...'s all a hoax! McDermott, most familiar to us as the man that travelled to Baghdad before the war and said that he found Saddam to be a good ol' regular guy, has pretty much disqualified himself from being taken seriously by anyone that has even two brain cells to bang together and produce a spark of intelligence. Perhaps the US success in this war, despite every obstacle the French and the Germans, with their vested financial interests in keeping Saddam in power, could toss in the way, has unhinged your thinking? ... link
mld, 12/18/03, 9:25 AM
Let's See Who's A Fool
Put up or shut up time, big boy. You contend that we didn't truly capture Saddam - that it's a hoax. The US used DNA testing to determine that the man captured was, in fact, the real Saddam. His DNA signature is available to many of the folks that would have a vested interest in uncovering any such hoax. As one of many such examples, his daughter, who lives in Syria, as I recall. She recently stated that we must have drugged or gassed him to get him to surrender in such an abject manner. Her DNA would be much closer to an exact match with Saddam's than any body double that could have been cooked up. (As would the DNA of the now-defunct Uday & Qusay) I think one could safely assume that she would co-operate in any such investigation as to reveal a hoax, were there one. (Note that even *she* did not claim that is was not her father we captured) Given that, would the current US administration take the risk of lying in such a manner? So, do you have a single *fact* to offer in support of your whackass (that's Texan for, I'm sorry, my German is not so good, is the right word verrückt or geisteskrank or simply dumm?) theory? Other than your distaste for the current US government, which does not qualify as such. Which are you - kinder or dummkopf? ... link
schmerles, 12/18/03, 9:43 PM
I consider,
there was perhaps a little of DNA reference material to compare: maybe deep in the as* of certain somebody in the US, that they could have used now. Why are you so aggressive? Is it the funny Old Europe masquerades you and your friends are doing on sundays? Did you get a Morgenstern or a Hellebarde on your head by accident? Try to play something else. ... link ... Comment |
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