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Snackin' On Cold Shoulder

A US Army trooper shakes hands with Hillary Clinton (photo credit Reuters) Photo credit: Reuters

Now, I don't even claim to be objective about the former First Couple, so take all these observations with a mega-dose of scrutiny, OK?

After I heard about Hillary's visit to Afghanistan on Turkey Day, I started looking at all the pics I could find of that visit. I was looking for evidence of how she might have been received by the troops, as I suspect (read: would bet the farm) that it was, at best, a chilly one.

This suspicion was based on much anecdotal evidence I had heard from many acquaintances that served in various branches of the military while the Clintons were in office.

This is just one of the pages I examined.

I saw no pics that showed her with the troops in anything resembled a warm and friendly interaction.

That pic above is the only one I saw of her shaking hands with a trooper, though, there are a few pics of her eating, primarily surrounded by female soldiers, where one or two of them aren't actually scowling, or at best, deadpan.

I'm no expert on body launguage, but I do know a few things about it, and the picture is telling. That soldier has his arm extended about as far as he can, keeping the max distance possible from her, and that tight-lipped grin he's sporting, showing no teeth, is a classic sign of forced civility. I can just see his CO saying, "Soldier, she is on the Armed Services Comittee. Go make nice. That's an order."

Take that expression in another context, and it could be the same guy getting a prostate exam. Textbook "pained expression."

If that's the best they could find, the atmosphere in there was so chilly, I doubt anybody's food was still warm by the time the plates made it from the chow line to the table.

Further evidence, I think, is that fact that none of the media coverage I've seen (scanty, as I don't even turn on a TV), or heard of, has shown anything like the warm and enthusiastic reception the Bush43 got handed to him Thanksgiving Day.

While I'm not really of the camp that the media is a bunch of Commie Moonbats, I do think they would have broadcast any such footage, were there any to be had.

Doesn't seem like her reception in Baghdad was much friendlier, based on admittedly anecdotal posts from some of those present, like this one:

"In fact so few U.S. military personnel volunteered to meet and sit with her, that military leaders in Baghdad had to designate enlisted personnel and junior officers to spend time with the New York senator.

"The meetings with [Iraqi administrator Paul] Bremer went fine, but we weren't finding a lot of takers on meeting with Clinton and [Rhode Island Democratic senator Jack] Reed," says an American staffer in Baghdad. "Maybe there weren't a lot of New Yorkers in the area."

I gotta wonder - do New Yorkers really think of the Junior Senator as being a New Yorker?

Then there's this

"...Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) visited Baghdad on Friday. In fact I ran into her here at the CPA. She seemed disappointed at the cool reception she got at the CPA mess hall for lunch. Most just stared silently. A few left. I imagine she was expecting a rush of well wishers: "Look. It's Hillary!" Sorry, Hillary but no, it ain't gonna happen here.

But I doubt it was actually so bad as this:

"From the front: Security was tight over the Thanksgiving holiday as first President Bush and then former First Lady Hillary Clinton visited Iraq. The extra security was deemed necessary to protect President Bush from terrorists and Senator Clinton from the troops."


UDPATE 12/04/2003: As we hit a week after the event, more anecdotal information started to flow in. Newsday reports that Hillary's visit was not just ignored, but actively avoided by the troops... "People magazine was on hand to cover the event and wanted to interview the troops for reaction to Clinton's visit.

"But they were getting declined left and right," our source said. "People were actually telling the reporters, 'You don't want to print what I think about her and her visit.'"

Disclaimer: I doubt NewsMax is the most objective of sources. :-)

To contrast, I've gotten a few forwarded emails from folks that were there for the Bush visit - again, not verified; I'm hampered by the fact that most of the folks I know well enough to trust implicitly are USMC, and those present were Army.

The whole thing is here, but here are a few sample quotes: "...from behind the camouflage netting, the President of the United States came around. The mess hall actually erupted with hollering. Troops bounded to their feet with shocked smiles and just began cheering with all their hearts. The building actually shook."

"Soldiers were hollering, cheering, and a lot of them were crying. There was not a dry eye at my table. When he stepped up to the cheering, I could clearly see tears running down his cheeks.

... he stepped down and was just mobbed by the soldiers."

I know, this isn't really much more surprising than a Dog Bites Man story - given the past behavior of the Clintons to the military, but it is interesting (to me, anyway), that the animus is still so virulent. Until such time as the Democrats regain some measure of respect for the troops, and those in the civilian world that support them, it's going to be a looong exile for them from the halls of power.

UPDATE - 12/07/2003: Seems the story related in the email has been proven true. Snopes has blessed it, and it has now appeared on many other websites, to include those of The BlogFather himself, the The Rev. General, and Strategy Page.

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