a pic of my brain The Compleat Iconoclast
...Vote For Your Favorite Wench...

More and More Art Cars...

Some more...have I mentioned yet what a huge Pain in the Nether Regions it was to take all these pics, tweak 'em, and code all these pages? I made the mistake of promising a bunch of folks that saw me taking their pics I'd do this. Me and my king-sized mouth. Four tons of Good Intentions, and about three ounces of follow through. (sigh) Y'all owe me.

Click on any of the pics to see a larger version. They'll all pop up in a new window.

A Pterodactyl car
A "TerrorDactyl"
Where the SuperHeroes Relax
The SuperHero Watering Hole
A pic of a battlebot car
Another Combat Bot
A pic of a skiboat car
A SkiBoat Car
A rolling fruitstand
The FruitMobile
The kids can stay busy on long trips
I dunno how to describe this one...
The Theme is Obscure
A car covered in flower petals
They put the Petals on the Metal
A big MotorTrike
Big Moto-Trike
Looks like a winged Viking longship
Winged Longship

The Art Cars 1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 7 |8

The Art Bikes

The Art Folk

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