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The Mud Faeries

These pics have been sitting on my hard drive waaay too long. I've known this couple for years, though I forgotten their real names. (At a renfest, we tend to only know character names.) At Scarborough Faire, they perform as mud faeries, sculpting various life forms - mermaids, pirates, legendary creatures, wizards, and so on.

Amazingly, they remain mute the entire time, as this particular flavor of faerie does not speak, and they communicate with with the patron of the faire totally with gestures, facial expressions, and a strange melange of chirps, trills, and other assorted noises. They work for tips, and the crowd mostly stands around quietly and watches them work for minutes on end, then tossing a bill or two in the jars.

Note to you folks: If you're going to take some pictures of their work you are a compleat chintzy Shylock of a moron dork if you don't give them some money!

Here are a few that I took this last season. I've some more of the season before that I will try and dig up and add later.

Another mud faerie with a three-headed snake.
Amira (aka Nikki Namik) sculpts a three-headed snake

A mud faerie scuplts a gryphon from mud.

A mud faerie (Bryan Toranzo) sculpts a gryphon

That gryphon was a fantastic work of art, my favorite work of dozen or so I saw them do last season. Here's another look at it...

A gryphon sculpted from mud


this is beautiful. i wanna play too! can this be my next career?

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Dog Dammit!

Nikki, in the process of editing a typo in your comment to make the URL work, I deleted the whole damn thing by accident! Can you resend?


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