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I'm becoming ever more convinced that Osama is taking a dirtnap somewhere.

How else to explain the fact that he's made no announcement, no video, no nada on the subject of the coalition invasion of Iraq?

Similarly, Saddam published another tape today. It is entirely devoid of any reference to current events, and contains no other infornmation that could prove it was not taped weeks ago.

Furthermore, and more strikingly, there was an odd fellow present in the background durin Tariq Assiz's live press conference last week. That fellow was Saddam's personal bodyguard. He has never, not once, in over a decade, been seen guarding anyone other than Saddam.

My conclusion: Saddam is either dead, or severely wounded.

Disclaimer: I am sometimes wrong, but never uncertain. :-)

Speekina the deceased, there are reports that Hamas is sending over trained suicide bombers to aid the Iraqis. I say, good for them. Bring it on. I can't think of any better way for them to get their asses killed than trying to take on the US troops. They will soon find that wary infantrymen are going to be orders of magnitude more difficult to effectively bomb than civilians.

CORRECTION: The official I mentioned earlier was not Tariq Assiz, but the Iraqi Minister of Defense. I "misremembered." :-)

I had noticed...

...what you point out about Saddam. He has said nothing in the tapes that have been broadcast recently to indicate that he is still taking breath somewhere on the planet. (I missed the bodyguard thing...I am not that familiar with the lesser players in their government!) Variations on the theme of "kill the Satanic infidel invaders!" are amusing, to a point, but not very informative, or convincing. I have been betting that the man is not at all well.

I hadn't caught that the normally verbose Osama had been strangely silent. Could we be so lucky that he has conveniently died just now? I am betting that he is either hiding deep, or running fast, or both, in fear that useful information about where and how to find him has been obtained from the various Al Quaeda captures of recent weeks.

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dont forget that osama's biggest strength is his patience. first wtc bombong and sept 11 were years apart. i dont know either way but i think it would be foolish to write him off because he's quiet

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oh, don't say bring it on. that's what bushit said too - this aint no sprt, fellas. didja see that mother on tv? "Bush says bring it on. My son is over there. That makes me feel really good."

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Bringing it...

Uhh, I didn't say what Bush said - he said what I did. I posted that comment on March 30th, Bush used the phrase on July 2th. Maybe he reads the blog, who knows? :-)

And I stand by it today. I'd rather have those fighters over there getting their asses waxed by our guys, (and make no mistake, the attrition ratio is well in our favor) rather than have them over here killing non-combatants.

Bush didn't do anything different than the military itself has done. During the the initial armored incursions into Iraq, some of the vehicles were equipped with loudspeakers that broadcast culturally appropriate insults to the feyadeen...

Here's a snippet:

As they roared north to Baghdad, US forces knew that they had a powerful secret weapon on their side - finely-honed insults that would make Iraqi troops’ blood boil.

Through enormous loudspeakers mounted on their humvees, troops broadcast messages proclaiming that Iraqi men were impotent.

The insult had been carefully chosen to so enrage Iraqi troops that they could not resist rushing from their defensive positions to attack the American troops in open battle, with terrible consequences."

Bush's comment was a strategic version of that tactical idea.

Do you really think it made the hard-core Saddamites hate us any more than they already do?

So far as making mommies worry, tough shit. That's what moms are for. My mom would have said such a thing during any of my eight years in the Corps.

But had you asked me, the actual guy on the ground, I would have applauded the statement. The faster they go after our troops, the faster they'll go see Allah. :-) Ask any soldier over there if he'd rather be the target, or have his mom be the target. I don't know the serviceman in question of course, but I'd give long odds on the answer.

Any action we, can perform to keep the focus on the "hard targets" manning checkpoints in Iraq, and not folks at a ball game, or in a mall shopping, etc., is fine by me.

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