The Compleat Iconoclast |
...Vote For Your Favorite Wench... mld, March 24, 2003 at 5:57:00 AM CET Bowling For Columbine Since they just handed Michael Moore an Oscar tonight for Best Documentary, and since I've a few otherwise intelligent friends (waves to macker) that seem to have been swayed by the movie, I thought maybe I ought to post a link to this article that fact-checks the movie, and reveals it to be the piece of lying propaganda that it is - so full of fiction that I don't actually think it should have qualified as a documentary. Goebbels would be proud. Next time you wanna cite some Hollywood star on some issue of substance, remember that they were collectively so untrained in critical thinking that they actually, en masse, voted for this steaming heap of lies as an Oscar winning documentary. Then ask yourself how qualified they are to opine on politics, foreign policy, or social issues.
macker, 3/27/03, 7:48 PM
Bowling for Marcus
I'm pretty sure if you read what I originally said of the film, I said it engaged me. I didn't say I was burning my copies of american rifleman. ... Link
mld, 3/28/03, 8:56 PM
Bowling, Schmowling
I did read what you wrote. Engaged? Swayed? That's not that big a difference, is it? I did not say converted. My question for you is - after reading the linked article, and becoming aware of the way Moore misquoted folks, played with chronologies, spun facts (the factory that presently makes boosters for commercial satellite launches is portrayed as one that makes boosters for ICBMs, etc.) do you still find yourself "engaged"? ... link
macker, 3/29/03, 5:52 AM
bowl for this
haven't read the fact-checking article. I knew going into it he put his own spin on the thing. clearly documentary != accurate. michael moore, objective? pshaw. that said, I was left with two very strong impressions: 1. charlton heston was embarrassing. ... link
mld, 3/29/03, 3:54 PM
I got your bowl hanging...
Well, once you read the fact-checking article, you won't find Heston nearly so embarrassing. It's one thing to spin, it's another to outright lie. As for the "culture of fear" meme, I have a few thoughts about that, but I'm going to put them in an essay of their own. ... link
macker, 4/1/03, 10:31 PM
moses gutterball
ok, I'll have to read the article. because I'm sure it is an interesting read on how delusional moore truly is. (see his thing on why he gave the oscar speech? and they call my ilk whacked.) that said, unless he did some really killer editing, heston sat there looking like a dotard. his responses appeared to be about as well thought out as a pro-france peacemonger strapping herself to a tank. more violence in america than europe because we are more ethnically diverse? what is that supposed to mean? ... link ... Comment |
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