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Touching Saddam's Boobies

Leafing through my referrer logs I came across this entry from Single out West.

Freaking hilarious - the French and Germans are trying to keep us from finding out they've been fondling Saddam, so to speak.

I'm so glad that the Bush43 has made it very clear that the opinion of oh, say, Cameroon, Syria, and whoever else happens to be sitting on the Security Council this time round matters not a whit. They're not going to vote on whether or not there will be a war, just whether or not the UN commits hari-kari over the issue.

I don't often quote myself here, but I think this quote from this post is worth repeating: "Trying Saddam, in the court of world opinion that is the UN, is like trying to convict a drug dealer, with his supplier, a few of his steady customers, and his best buddy sitting on the jury. A unanimous verdict will prove to be an impossible goal. Only the most naive would either expect or require it."


where oh where did iraq get nuke reactors for its nuke program? why i believe it was france that was bending over backwards to sell them to saddam even though it was obvious they were to make bombs. two french reactors in iraq for years and what was the total power output of both combined? ZEEEERROOOO! they were for plutonium production alone. and germany? they built labs for biological and chemical weapons production in iraq and as if thats not bad enough they staffed them with german scientists to get them started and to train the iraqis to use them. i think the u.s. has been a-topplin' the wrong gov'ts.

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