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The New KatDaddy

A pic of SamAs some of you may have heard, the Gulf Coast is about to be visited by another tropical storm. Faye is predicted to dump about ten inches of rain in the area.

A pic of Ivory

This, of course, put CG into paroxysms of worry about the patio kitties. Despite her allergies, she insisted that we snag the hissing little furballs, and take them inside. So, I am now foster KatDaddy to Sam, Ivory, and El Tigre, who are presently sleeping in a big cardboard box, full to bursting with Friskies. Y'all saw this coming, right?
A pic of El Tigre

I've been taking turns with them, having them sit on my lap while I surf and stuff. They're slowly getting used to me.

Ok, if you love me, now it's time to belly up to the bar. Who wants a free kitty?

Re: The New KatDaddy

Already got a couple of my own, so I'm no taker. But, of course I saw THIS development coming.

Porcupines have quills. Elk have antlers. Scorpions have stingers. Cuteness is kittens natural defense.

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Re: The New KatDaddy

Hey, I already told you I'd take one if you delivered it in person. Is that enough love? :)

Did I see it coming? The kids want to know why I am cackling my head off sitting here in front of my computer!

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