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Texas Sized Gator

This gator was caught a few weeks ago at Kitty Hollow Park in Missouri City, TX. on Highway 6. (suburban SW Houston)

A construction worker found it laying in one of the concrete pipes. The animal control officers said it weighed just under 2100 lbs and was 18 1/2 feet long. It was taken to Brazos Bend State Park, and released.

a monster bull gator

I'm thinkin' a coupla things here. First, I'm not gonna be taking the wolfhounds, Shelby, or any kids to that park anytime soon. In fact, I don't think I'll be planning too many trips there my own damn self. Second, that monster woulda made quite a few pairs of good-looking cowboy boots.

Actually though, I'm happy. Gators had a rough go of it there for a while, and the sightings of ones like this just reaffirms how well they've come back. There are success stories in wildlife preservation, though you'd have a hard time getting some of the more radical tree-huggers to admit it.

The gator was lucky. If they'd have nabbed him in Louisiana, he'd a been the all-you-can-eat buffet at the nearest Cajun eatery. :-)

Re: Texas Sized Gator

Can you verify the authenticity of this picture? A thorough search of the web, Houston Chronicle and a call to animal control didn't support the photo.

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I'll look into it...

I have somewhere the original email that informed me about it. Let me dig it up and make some phone calls...

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18 foot gator

I am the guy standing behind the gator, which by the way was caught in Tampa, FL by me on April 23, 2001

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Re: Texas Sized Gator

i would think this picture is a hoax, weight would be way high for even that size gator , not to mention it would easily be tex state record , would beat the forida record and would be a close second to a lousianna ( un verified at around 19')

this would be a headline gator and as far as i know it didnot exist, i live next to brazos bend stae park and they have no knowlage

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Texas Sized Gator Hoax?

It's been on my to-do list to research this, but I simply haven't kicked up the priority level to get to it yet. I have the original email (somewhere) that cited witnesses, etc., but haven't called any of them. I suspect that you're right, but this is one of those types of stories that is too good not to be true, iffn you know what I mean, especially if you're from Texas. :-)

I have previously covered my ass on posts like this, in the disclaimer contained in the article, , where I said...

While most of the stuff you're reading here is completely true, some of it is completely made up, and some of it is an amalgam of fact and imagination, with the proportions depending on my mood, and estimation of what makes a better story.

I'm not going to let the facts get in the way of a good story. Some stories are too good not to be true, and create their own reality.

So, there you are. :-)

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this was featured on the local TV news, when it happened - i have personally seen huge gators in Brazos Bend Pk -- once i told my son to 'cast over by that island' -- he answered, 'dad, that island just moved'! but, since the park has come under 'privitization' they have moved all the really big gators out, i think. when the park first opened about 15 yrs ago, i heard a guy had his arm ripped off, while wade fishing for bass. patrick
ps: i just measured and found that duct tape is 2 inches wide - someone might be able to calculate the size by looking at the duct tape on its snout.

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